AI will help increase creativity but millions of jobs will go, many shocking revelations in this World Economic Forum report


The study tested about 19,000 such tasks involving 867 different occupations that may be affected by AI। This showed that in addition to financial services and capital markets, the use of generative AI in the insurance and pension management industry is projected to increase the most.

Artificial Intelligence ( AI) It will prove to be of great help in enhancing creativity and disposing of everyday work for future jobs. However, AI will also lead to millions of jobs. This information is from a study report released on Monday of the World Economic Forum ( WEF). The WEF has introduced an assessment of the modalities of the impact AI has on future jobs. The WEF said in this white paper that business sectors and governments should prepare and take proactive steps to influence AI on the workforce According to the report, special attention has to be paid to points such as the formation of a workforce ready for changes and implementing systems that facilitate change in the nature of jobs.

Highest impact on such jobs

The WEF report states that jobs associated with everyday work and repeated linguistic functioning are at greatest risk of this disruption. At the same time, these changes will have the least impact on jobs associated with high-level private contact or physical movement. The white paper states that ‘ giant linguistic models ’ ( LLM) can be a boon for jobs in which critical thinking, including engineering, mathematics and scientific analysis,Skills and creativity associated with solving complex problems are needed. LLM is an in-depth calculation method associated with learning that can edit various natural functions associated with the processing of language. Conversion models are used in LLM and are largely trained using a group of data. The WEF stated that LLM equipment can prove profitable for workers by making regular tasks associated with any business more productive and making their roles more beneficial.

The study tested around 19,000 such works involving 867 different occupations that may be affected by LLM. This showed that in addition to financial services and capital markets, the use of generative AI in the insurance and pension management industry is projected to increase the most. At the same time the highest risk from automation ( automation ) is regular and repetitive linguistic functioning. These include roles such as credit authors, checkers and clerks associated with acceptance and investigation of debts. In contrast, 84 percent of the tasks of education, guidance, career counselors and consultants are at low risk of change. Earlier, WEF said in one of its studies that 23 percent of global jobs would change in the next five years due to AI-induced changes. Saadia Zahidi, managing director of the World Economic Forum, said, Generative AI is going to have a significant impact on labor markets but this effect will vary on different roles in different sectors

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