Big accident in Oaxaca, Mexico, 18 people killed by bus overturn


In Oaxaca, Mexico, 18 people including 3 children and 2 women died in a bus accident. Most of the dead are being described as migrants. At present, the causes of this accident have not been known.

Mexico: 18 people died in a bus accident in Oaxaca, Mexico. The death toll includes three children and two women. According to local authorities, most of the people who died in this accident are migrants and have been from Venezuela and Haiti.

people injured in an accident

The Attorney General of Oaxaca State reported that about 27 people were injured in the accident. The injured have been admitted to a nearby hospital for treatment. The cause of the accident is currently not known. Officers are investigating the accident.

The accident happened at five in the morning

According to local time, this painful accident happened at five in the morning. Earlier on Sunday, there was a large extent in Mexico. 10 people were killed by the overturning of a truck in southern Mexico. About 25 people were injured in this accident. The accident occurred in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

According to a report, the National Migraine Institute issued a statement after the accident. The statement said that the crashed truck was carrying 27 Cuban citizens on the Pijijiapan-Tonla highway in Chiapas. Initial investigation revealed that the truck crashed as the speed was high. A minor and 10 women were killed in this accident.

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