Britain’s Prime Minister Sunak came with America, France, Germany, and Italy to support Israel


British PM Rishi Sunak has also come forward to support Israel. He has assured to support Israel in association with the US, France, Germany, and Italy.

Rishi Sunak on Israel: Strong conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas continues. Meanwhile, the US and Western countries have supported Israel’s action. On the other hand, Muslim countries of the Gulf like Saudi Arabia, Qatar have opposed Israel’s action. Amidst all this, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has spoken to leaders in the US, France, Germany and Italy to discuss the ongoing conflict in Israel.

 Rishi Sunak supported Israel, condemned terrorism

Shortly thereafter, Sunak joined the prayer held at a Jewish worship in North London and assured the country’s Jewish community that he would ensure their safety. Sunak in his joint statement with US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for Israel ‘Expressed support with ‘perseverance and solidarity. He also explicitly condemned Hamas for its horrific acts of terrorism. Leaders of the US, Britain, France, Germany and Italy said in a joint statement, ‘ We clarify that Hamas’ terrorist actions have no justification and should be universally condemned. Terrorism never has any justification.

The statement said, ‘Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to protect itself and its people against such atrocities. We also emphasize that it is not the time for any organization with a sense of hostility towards Israel to take advantage of these attacks. ’ These five leaders said that they recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support similar measures of justice and freedom for Israel and the Palestinians. But Hamas does not represent these aspirations of Palestinian people, it offers nothing but more terror and bloodshed to Palestinian people.

 Countries like America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy will remain united

The US, Britain, France, Germany and Italy made a commitment to ensure that Israel was able to protect itself. The leaders of these five countries said, ‘ ‘ In the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, as allies and as a shared friend of Israel, To ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, and will eventually set the conditions for a peaceful and unified West Asia region.

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