China is doing research work together on its ‘spy’ ship, Is Sri Lanka betraying India?


Scientists from Sri Lanka and China are jointly doing research work on this. Despite India’s objection, the Chinese ‘spy’ ship Xian 6 has arrived at the port of Colombo. It is said to be a research vessel, but China has also been doing activities like ‘espionage’.

Sri Lanka-China News: Under the pretext of research, China may dare to keep an eye on the naval activities taking place in the coastal areas of India. On this, India had also lodged a protest over the presence of the Chinese ship in Colombo. Despite the deepening economic crisis in Sri Lanka, India provided financial assistance to its neighbouring country. Despite this, despite India’s objection, Sri Lanka is working with China on research work on Chinese ships. This Chinese ship is said to be a research vessel, but there is also a suspicion of spying on India. Along with India, America had also lodged a protest. But it does not seem to be affecting Sri Lanka. Scientists from Sri Lanka and China are conducting joint oceanographic research on the Chinese ship.

Giving information in this regard on Tuesday, a senior official said that There was a delay in granting permission for the ship’s arrival due to objections raised by India, but this has not been officially confirmed. According to the sources, The Chinese ship ‘Xi Yan 6’ reached Colombo port last week.”Permission was granted to conduct oceanographic research on October 30 and 31,” a Foreign Ministry spokesperson in Colombo said. He said the vessel was currently in western waters.

America had expressed concern to Sri Lanka

US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who met Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabri in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, had reportedly expressed concern over the ship’s visit. India has been expressing concern about the visit of the Chinese ship to Sri Lanka. India had lodged a strong protest against a similar visit by a Chinese satellite surveillance ship in early 2022.

Research work on Chinese ships is Being done in Colombo

The agency’s Director General, Dr Kamal Tennakoon, said the research work was being conducted near Bentara in Colombo using the vessel. Scientists from the National Aquatic Research Agency (NARA), naval personnel and scholars from Ruhana University have been allowed to visit the ship. A Chinese research vessel began research in Sri Lankan waters on Monday. It is being described as China’s first scientific research vessel for geophysical research.

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