China wants to ‘capture’ Pakistan’s media! US report revealed surprise


If a country takes care of Pakistan, isolated in the world, it is China. But China has made Pakistan an ‘economic slave. Now China is in a desire to increase its interference on Pakistani media as well. Know what is the whole matter?

Pakistan-China: Pakistan is completely trapped in the clutches of China. When the whole world showed a ‘throw’ to Pakistan, China supported it. Helped him financially. He has to give arms, lend or favour the terrorists in the United Nations on blacklisting. China is always rushing with it. But China supports Pakistan not only this. In return, he has a malicious mindset of establishing his dominion over Pakistan by making Pakistan an ‘economic slave. An example of this is highlighted in the latest US report.

A US report has revealed a surprise. It claims that China wants to control Pakistan’s media. For this, China is preparing a web of international campaigns that want to do media narratives in its favour in other allied countries of China, including Pakistan. China is working closely with Russia in the information sector to create a worldwide environment in its favour and to counter criticism. For this, the China-Pakistan Media Corridor will be launched with confidence in Pakistan.

China’s plan to deal with criticism

China’s ambitious project in Pakistan, Sepec ( CPEC), also receives considerable criticism in international media. Now China has decided to counter this alleged propaganda through the Sepec Media Forum. For this, China and Pakistan have launched the Sepec Rapid Response Information Network campaign. Under this, the China-Pakistan Media Corridor will be launched soon.

In 2021, there was also a dialogue between China and Pakistan on this issue. Under this, the two countries had discussed building a ‘nerve centre’, which would control the ongoing news in the Pakistani media. The report said that China’s government is spending billions of dollars worldwide to create a positive atmosphere in its favour. Also, attempts are being made to suppress negative news related to criticism news such as Taiwan, human rights, the South China Sea and the domestic economy.

The news will be translated into Urdu

The US report claimed that the two countries are also jointly discussing the denial of alleged rumours and the creation of a platform to promote the side’s news. Also, important news will be translated into Urdu so that people’s views are done in their favour.

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