G20 Summit: ‘rain or sunshine’, how will it be for 3 days Delhi’s weather-IMD will issue special bulletin


The Meteorological Department will issue a special bulletin on how the weather will be during the G20 summit to be held in Delhi from 8 to 10 September. Know that there will be heat of sunshine in these three days or the shade of clouds.

The India Meteorological Department ( IMD ) said on Tuesday that the temperature in Delhi will drop significantly during the G20 summit to be held between 8 and 10 September. IMD Director General Dahanjaya Mahapatra said that IMD will also issue a special weather bulletin to provide continuous weather information during the G20 summit. He told “ Delhi’s temperature will drop in the next two days and there will not be much heat on 8, 9 and 10 September. He said that in these three days daily bulletins, we will provide location-specific information, including details about the progress ground and all tourist destinations. ” The Special Bulletin will be live from 7 September.

Special G20 Weather Headlines

Every three hours, the Meteorological Department will update on rainfall through Nowcast, which will contain information about changing weather conditions. Every hour’s update will include temperature, wind direction, speed and humidity. Data will be collected from all automated weather stations in Delhi and a separate automated station will be set up near the G-20 site. Mahapatra said that IMD will get the necessary information from 2 radars and satellite sources in Delhi.

IMD will also provide location-specific forecasts through our weather modeling system. “ Since the monsoon season is going on, a storm can occur at any time and anywhere. So we need to keep a constant eye on the weather. We have started taking strict precautions especially during the ( G20 summit ) those three days”

Delhi Weather Forecast

Currently, a low pressure area is active in the Gulf of North West Bengal and the Gulf of Central Bengal. In the coming days it will move towards Delhi and the surrounding areas, which will change the temperature. The Director General of IMD said that the current high temperature in Delhi is due to the absence of long rainfall and the spread of dry winds.

The official said, “High humidity increases problems, so we will include information about it in our weather bulletin. According to today’s forecast, there is no hope of a serious change in weather during the G20 summit, but weather conditions may change unexpectedly, Which will be continuously monitored.” said.

Please tell that the G-20 leaders’ summit is going to be held on 9 and 10 September at the Bharat Pavilam International Exhibition-Convention Center in New Delhi.


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