Gorkha: China’s new move against India is inducting Nepali Gorkhas into service. Wonder how many Nepalis have joined


Gorkha: The dispute between India and China is not just today, it has been going on for a long time and China always keeps an eye on India’s neighboring country.

Gorkha: The dispute between India and China is not today’s dispute, it is a long-running war, India never forgets its old days, similarly China also does not forget the sacrifice of its soldiers. Both people are right in their place but it does not mean that the houses around the other person’s house should be kept under surveillance. The philosophy is that China is continuously trying to strengthen its hold on all the countries associated with India and it is fully exploring what are the strengths of India.

China has now looked at India’s most dangerous battalion, the Gorkhas. When China found out which country has the highest number of people of the Gorkha race, China came to know that the number of Gorkhas is very high in Nepal.

These days, China has turned its evil eye on the Gorkhas of Nepal and is giving them various kinds of inducements to recruit them in their service. We want to tell you that one of the most prominent regiments of India by the name of Gorakh is the Gorkha Regiment, which has been involved in many wars and is known to be the best in every field of battle.


Gorkha regiment, Image Source: X


Security sources have warned that if India does not take proper care of these Gorkhas, then China can take them into its fold because China knows that one Gorkha soldier is equal to 10 common soldiers. Gorkha soldiers have their own made weapon which we call Gurkha Kukri, so that even if a Gorkha soldier does not have any weapon, he can fight with any common soldier.

If China takes Gorkhas into its fold, it means that the Gorkhas who once fought on behalf of India can stand against it in the battlefield, due to which it is a big alarm bell for India.

So we request the Government of India to provide full facilities to all Gorkhas and consider them as our family and nurture them and fulfill their needs because Gorkhas are our country and Gorkha Regiment is an important regiment of our Indian Service, which has given oval soldiers in every battle field, who always keep fighting, without eating and drinking, there is a special thing about Gorkha soldiers. Gorkha soldiers can organize themselves in any environment and are always ready for war.

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