‘Israel you struggle, we are with you’, The US Secretary of State arrived in Tel Aviv and assured


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Israel. In a joint statement here, he has given Israel the confidence to help. At the same time, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said that Hamas will be eradicated just as ISIS is abolished.

America on Israel and Hamas Issue: The US Foreign Minister arrived in Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel. Here he met Pim Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. The two leaders then made a shared statement. On this occasion, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said ‘The message I have brought to Israel is this – you can be strong enough to protect yourself, but as long as America exists, You will never have to do this. We will always be with you….’ US Secretary of State Lincoln said ‘We are shocked by the wickedness of Hamas. We have also been inspired by the bravery of Israeli citizens. We are excited by the remarkable solidarity of the Israeli people.

Hamas proves itself to be an enemy of civilization: Netanyahu

On this occasion, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said ‘Your visit is another concrete example of America’s clear support for Israel. Hamas has proved itself to be an enemy of civilization. Killing youth in an outdoor concert, killing entire families, killing parents in front of their children and killing children in front of their parents, burning people alive, beheading, kidnapping… President Biden was absolutely right in calling it bad.

As ISIS is crushed, Hamas will also be crushed: Israeli PM

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu further said that ‘Hamas is ISIS and Hamas will be crushed as ISIS is crushed. Hamas should be treated exactly as it did with ISIS. They should be excluded from the community of nations. No leader should meet them, no country should give them shelter and those who do so should be banned.

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