Israeli female soldier accused of sexual relations with Palestinian prisoner, minister gave this big order


The Israeli female soldier has been accused of having sex with a Palestinian prisoner. The Israeli minister has given a major order after this incident. Know what the female soldier said on the charges against the female soldier?

Israel News: An Israeli female soldier has been accused of having a physical relationship with a prisoner. This prisoner is Palestinian. According to Israeli media reports, they no longer will be charged in any prison in Israel, for the duty of women soldiers. Katy Perry, head of the Israeli Prison Service and Rastri Security Minister Itmar Ben Givir, said that women soldiers will no longer be deployed in those jails, Where Palestinian prisoners are kept.

The female soldier who has been accused of having sex has also admitted that she had sex with a Palestinian prisoner. According to the BBC, the Palestinian prisoner has been subjected to a deadly attack by Israeli citizens over alleged physical relations.

What did the Israeli female soldier say on the charge?

Israeli media has reported that during the interrogation, the female soldier said that 4 other women besides him had also had sex with that prisoner. The court hearing the case has ordered that the names of the woman and the prisoner not be made public, as well as prohibiting the name of the jail to be made public.

Why are women soldiers in jails imposed duty?

There have been many such accidents with women soldiers in Israeli jails, but due to low military force, women have to be given duty in jails. Itamar Ben Givir has said that after 2025, women soldiers will not be put on duty in an Israeli jail.

Women have to do two years in the army

All people in Israel have to serve in the military. Women have to work in the army for two years, while men have to serve in the army for 2 years and 8 months. This rule also applies to citizens living outside Israel.

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