The Israel-Hamas war escalated to a macabre orgy, US veto against UN resolution


The Israeli-Hamas war is now ringing the bell of the Third World War. The US has imposed veto power against the UN resolution brought at various points regarding the Israeli-Hamas war. This is supposed to spark outrage against the US in Islamic nations.; Israel’s self-defense was not mentioned in the proposal.

The war between Israel-Hamas has been disastrous. young children, teenagers, youth, women, men and the elderly have all been killed in Israeli bombings. Gaza is now transformed into cremation land. Piles of debris and corpses are seen all around. There is no one to raise many corpses and bury humans. Hundreds of people are being killed in airstrikes daily. Those who are surviving are also going through the culmination of disability. If someone’s feet are cut off in the attack, whose hands, someone’s eye explodes, someone’s neck. Pictures of the tragedy in Gaza are disturbing. Meanwhile, the US has vetoed a resolution of the (United Nations UN) in the Israeli-Hamas war. Let’s know what the whole matter is.

In fact, the United Nations in one of its resolutions urged Hamas attacks on Israel, condemning violence against civilians, and providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza। Fifteen members 12 members of the Security Council voted in favour of the resolution while the US voted in protest, while two members remained absent. US envoy to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield said after the vote that President Joe Biden is reaching the Middle East and holding diplomatic talks “ and we need that diplomacy.

US vetoed Israel’s self-defence

The US envoy also objected to the proposal not saying anything about Israel’s right to self-defence. Council members rejected two amendments to Russia before being vetoed on the proposal presented by Brazil. These two amendments included calling for a humanitarian ceasefire and condemning indiscriminate attacks on civilian hospitals and schools in Gaza. Magar America vetoed the proposal by not talking about Israel’s self-defence. This has increased the possibility of huge outrage against the US in Islamic countries. At the same time, the risk of many other countries jumping into the war has also increased greatly.

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