These 4 fruits rich in Vitamin C will exclude purine through urine, start eating high uric acid


Which fruit should be eaten in uric acid: Gout can be a problem when uric acid increases in the body, In such a situation, the intake of these fruits can save you from many problems.

Which fruit should be eaten in uric acid: The increase of uric acid in the body can cause gout problems, It can accumulate in your bones as a stone and produce a gap, causing severe pain including swelling, It begins with poor protein metabolism in which the body protein does not digest the waste product purine and then slowly accumulates in the body. In such a situation, it is important that you eat those fruits rich in fibre and vitamin C which will help in melting the stones accumulated between the bones along with accelerating purine metabolism. So, know about these fruits in detail.

Which is the best fruit to reduce uric acid – Vit C Fruits for High Uric Acid in English

1. Orange

Orange has the highest amount of vitamin C. Apart from this, it also has a good amount of water. Both these properties work in an effective manner for people with high uric acid. While vitamin C breaks the purine vessels with its citric properties, its orange juice helps it flush with it। In addition, orange fibre protein accelerates metabolism and is helpful in its digestion.

2. Grape-Grapes

You will get vitamin C in grapes, but also fibre. In addition, it also has laxative properties that help to stick it out with faeces by sticking to the pyrin’s patterns. In addition, its vitamin C helps digest purine vessels with its acidic properties. In this way, it is beneficial to eat grapes with high uric acid.

3. Pineapple-pineapples

The enzyme found in pineapple helps to break down bromelain protein and reduce inflammation. Apart from this, it is vitamin C and fibre is also helpful in digesting purine in patients with uric acid and flushing it with faeces. So, if you have this problem then include pineapple in your diet.

4. Strawberry-Strawberries

Eating strawberries is beneficial for uric acid patients in many ways. Strawberries are the best source of vitamin C, which lowers uric acid levels and helps prevent gout attacks. You can drink its juice when uric acid increases or you can eat it like this. It is also beneficial for the stomach. So, for all these reasons you should include these fruits in your diet.

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uric acid fruits

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