US Defense Minister arrived in Israel, said – this is not the time to remain neutral, we will give what we want in war


US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin said that the US would give Israel every necessary thing to protect. He said that whoever wants lasting peace and security for the region should openly condemn Hamas.

Israel, which had suffered the massacre of the common people in a terrorist attack, has now vowed to abolish Hamas under any circumstances. Countries like America, France, Britain and India have also opened their support to Israel. The supply of arms to Israel has also started from the US. Now in the midst of this war, US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin has arrived on a visit to Israel. Here he made several big statements in favor of Israel.

No time to be neutral

US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin arrived in Israel and said that sometimes the best thing a friend can do in times of such a crisis is to come forward and get to work. He said that this time is not about neutrality, false equivalence or excuses. Austin said that anyone who wants lasting peace and security for the region after this orgy of Hamas should condemn Hamas.

We will give what we want

US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin said the US would ensure that Israel had the necessary things to protect itself. Israel has the right to protect its people. He said that democracies like ours are stronger and more secure when we follow the laws of war. Terrorists like Hamas deliberately target civilians. But democracies do not do this. This time is of resolution, not of revenge. This time is not for surrender.

Hamas is ISIS

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu also met with US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin. He said that Hamas is worse than ISIS. Just as the entire civilized world united to fight ISIS, the world would have to unite to help us fight Hamas. He said America stands with him.

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