Who are the inscribed ankit baiyanpuria sweeping with PM Modi; What are 75 hard challenges?


Ankit Baiyanpuria spoke with PM Modi on a number of issues while transferring. PM asked him that you for fitness How will this sanitation campaign help in working so hard? During this time Ankit answered all the PM’s questions.

New Delhi: PM Modi is always known to do something different. Even today, when he arrived to pay for labor under the Swaranjali program, Bayanpur was also present with him। Ankit labored with PM and took a selfie. There is now a discussion among the people about who these inscribed Bayanpuria are?

Who is Ankit Bayanpuria?

The real name of Ankit Bayanpuria is Ankit Singh, who hails from the village of Betanpur in Sonipat, Haryana. Ankit is a homegrown fitness influencer, social media blogger and wrestler. Ankit has become famous for promoting India’s traditional and indigenous workout methods on social media.

Ankit currently does a private job. Earlier, he has also done food delivery work. Ankit Bayanpuria first started his career on YouTube by making funny videos in Haryanvi on his channel named ‘Haryanvi Khagad. Ankit Bayanpuria created this channel in 2013. During the lockdown, he shifted his focus from phoney videos to fitness items including diet and workouts, after which he renamed his YouTube channel to Ankit Baiyanpuria.

Why was Ankit Bayanpuria elected?

Ankit Bayanpuria puts videos of indigenous wrestling, rope climbing, running, traditional wrestling workouts on his channel. Today Ankit has about 5 million followers on Instagram and 1.8 million on YouTube channel. Ankit was liked by the people because he came in front of everyone like a desi boy in the village, Who resorted to no fancy gym or protein powder to build his body. He has created a tremendous body in a desi manner. That is why the child of the country is becoming their fan. Ankit Bayanpuria came into much discussion when he took a 75 hard-named Fittens Challenge. Whose every-day journey he shared on his Instagram and YouTube channel.

What is 75 Hard Challenge?

On 27 June, Named Baiyanpuria started 75 Hard Challenge. The 75 Hard Challenge was created in 2020 by American entrepreneur and writer Andy Frisela. Taking selfies, alcohol or junk-fast food, drinking daily 4-5 liters of water, workouts twice a day, in this challenge, Reading 10 pages of a book at bedtime at night, such as daily tasks are included.

Failing to complete any of these tasks means starting the challenge again from day one. Ankit accepted this challenge to increase his mental fortitude. His 75 Hard Challenge was completed on 11 September 2023. Ankit’s popularity skyrocketed after 75 hard challenges. Followers reached thousands to million of Ankit in these 75 days. Millions of people also started copying the way his Ram Ram Sarya spoke. This is the reason why today PM Modi also asked Ankit about his 75 hard challenge.

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