Will China-US Relationships Improve? Biden and Jinping may meet in November


US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping may meet in November as part of an exercise to normalize relations between the US and China. The two leaders may meet in San Francisco in the news of the Washington Post.

Washington DC: US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping may meet next month. According to news from the American newspaper Washington Post, the two leaders are expected to meet in San Francisco. According to the report, the White House has been planning it. According to senior administrative officials, this meeting is going to take place as an attempt to stabilize the relations of the two countries.

Not yet formal announcement

An official of the Biden administration said on the condition of not printing the name, it is quite certain that there will be a meeting, but it has not yet been formally announced. The officer said we are starting the planning process. According to a Washington Post report, another senior administration official said Joe Biden is eager to meet Xi Jinping, But nothing is confirmed about this meeting yet”.

Planning will be clear after the visit of the Chinese Foreign Minister

Officials said planning would become more clear in the coming weeks after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Washington. “China and the US are negotiating bilateral engagement and exchanges,” said Chinese Embassy spokesman Liu Pengue in Washington in an email.” “Both sides need to work in the same direction, remove obstacles and differences, increase dialogue and expand cooperation with good faith,” he said.” Explain that in recent times, relations between the US and China have become tense due to many issues including Taiwan, COVID-19, espionage and trade traffic.

According to the Washington Post report, last year, in November, Indonesia, there was an opportunity for the G20 summit in Bali, among the leaders of the world’s two largest economies since the meeting This will be the first individual meeting. In Bali, the two presidents emphasized the importance of face-to-face diplomacy and hoped that they could bring US-China relations back on track.

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