Big update coming on WhatsApp, 31 people will now be able to join group calls together


WhatsApp is most commonly used for chatting and video calling. The company is about to bring a new feature to its users. Users are about to get a new update to WhatsApp’s group call after which you can connect with 31 people from the beginning of the group call. The company with it is also going to bring a new feature in the call tab.

WhatsApp is the most used messaging application worldwide. WhatsApp has more than 2 billion users on its platform. For the convenience of its users, the company keeps bringing new updates and features on time to improve the messaging experience. WhatsApp is going to reshape the Calls tab of the application very soon. The company is soon to offer a new call option on WhatsApp. With this, the group call feature on WhatsApp is going to change.

WhatsApp is also used fiercely for group voice calls and videos along with messaging. WhatsApp is going to bring a new update very soon after which you will be able to connect 31 people simultaneously in the group call. Currently you can connect with 15 people from the beginning in just the WhatsApp group call, but now you can connect with 31 people from the beginning of the call.

This upcoming update of WhatsApp has been reported by the company’s website Wobetiphon, which monitors the features and updates. Currently, it has been updated with WhatsApp beta users. If you want to take advantage of this feature, you can download the beta version.

WhatsApp is making a variety of changes to its platform. Soon WhatsApp users are going to get a new feature in video calling as well. The company is working on the feature of using Avatar during video calls. In this feature, when you are in a video call, you can use Avatar instead to show your face. This feature of WhatsApp is going to prove to be of great use in terms of privacy.

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