BJP MLA: Virendra Raghuvanshi resigns alleging non-fulfilment of promises


BJP MLA Virendra Raghuvanshi from Shivpuri in Madhya Pradesh has resigned. He has also resigned from the primary membership of the party. In his letter, he has accused the party of not fulfilling promises and corruption.

Virendra Raghuvanshi: Bharatiya Janata Party is a national party and its support and reservation is being given by Honorable Shri Narendra Modi ji, but all his MLAs and ministers make promises to different types of people during the elections and many promises are made with enthusiasm in the elections. This happens because he finds time, be it an MLA, a minister or the Prime Minister himself, to express his views and to attract people towards himself, he makes big promises but is unable to fulfill them. Because they feel ashamed later, but we all know that nothing is lifelong, everything is destined to end at some time, but leaders forget this, they promise time to them that we will do a lot for you. They will get big works done and will take you away from inflation, but when they are in office, they do not have the slightest idea about what promises we made last year or in the last elections, what we asked from the people, what we did for the people and etc., they promise to make big promises but the common public goes to any leader or MLA with the same thinking that he should go ahead and help the common people and understand their every situation, but the leaders forget that they have What promises did the leaders make and what are the people expecting from them? Perhaps you do not know that every single word spoken by a leader is remembered by the crowd of crores of people and the people of the population of crores of people, thinking of it in the same way and remembering it in their minds. It gets ready in the mind that yes, this leader or minister will do something for us, but during the tenure of the leader or minister, those people do not have even the slightest idea about what he promised, he forgets everything and continues his tenure. They enjoy and only the things that come to the fore are seen, no one pays attention to the other things of the leader. A similar case has come up in Madhya Pradesh.

An MLA from Shivpuri district in Madhya Pradesh, who is associated with BJP, but during the elections, he made many big promises to the public, which had no limits, he took a pledge to serve the public and vowed to remove corruption, to end inflation took the promise, but perhaps the MLA did not know what he had done in the last election, but due to the coming of the re-election, he was asked this question in the public whether the minister or the MLA had asked us about this last time. Had promised or promised to work, but till the beginning of that work, no case has come to the fore. That we will do this for you, where are they all, but Virendra Raghuvanshi had no answer to this question because he knows that he did not even discuss this work during his tenure and then voted once again from the same people. You have reached to demand, but what you said in the last election is written in the hearts and minds of the people.

In view of this, BJP MLA from Madhya Pradesh Virendra Raghuvanshi took a pledge to resign from the BJP party and the post of MLA in full enthusiasm. I am resigning, I will try to fulfill all these demands of MLAs who come in the future, end corruption, bring peace to the public and do welfare of all and consider all people as equal and do good to all those people There was a demand to fulfill all those demands, I will propose all these demands to the future MLA who will come, but I want to resign now.

But my question is to all those ministers and MLAs that why do you make such promises which you cannot fulfill because the people in front and the public give you their vote thinking that you will understand their circumstances and decide for their welfare. Or not, when you are in office, ignore his words and do not even try to remember his words, we all request you only one thing that you are the main people of the public, the public has full faith in you. Do not take undue advantage of the trust, fulfill the promises made to all and move forward by forgiving the mistakes that have been made. Serve the public with a true heart, whatever you speak during the rally, all those people have hope from you that in future you will understand their situation and helplessness and take decisions for the welfare of all.

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