For the first time after marriage, Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra was seen walking the ramp. During this time many of the actress’ videos are covered on social media. Parineeti Chopra is seen walking on the ramp in a cool manner on the ramp in the hands of the sutra demand.
These days, the fair of stars is being seen in ‘Lakme Fashion Week 2023. Actresses like Karishma Kapoor, Jahnvi Kapoor and Athia Shetty spent the last day spreading their fire on the ramp. At the same time, part of this recent fashion show has also become the newly fledgling bride of Bee Town, Parineeti Chopra, who covered her style on the ramp. As the show became a stopper at Lakme Fashion Week, the culmination reached the ramp, so everyone kept watching them during this time.
Parineeti Chopra landed on the ramp for the first time after marriage
This was the first time after marriage when Parineeti Chopra appeared in a fashion show and during this time she stole people’s hearts with her performances. Parineeti Chopra chose Sari Look for Ramp Walk. Chinti Chopra looks gorgeous in the off-white colour sari. With this saree, Parineeti Chopra carried the blouse of the matching colour, which was fitted with a cape.
Mrs Chadha on the ramp wearing a bangle in demand
Parineeti had completed her look with minimal makeup, lipstick and pink bash. While this was the thing that caught the attention of most people, it was the simple demand of Parineeti Chopra and the bang in the hands. Which was a four-moon in his look. At the same time, the gleaming diamond necklace and earrings also increase the brightness of Parineeti Chopra’s look. In this look, the culmination of Chopra looks really beautiful. At the same time, Parineeti stole people’s hearts with her style while swinging on the ramp walk. During this time, an engagement ring was also seen in the hands of Parineeti, which he did not let go of hand to flaunt. People like this style of culmination on ramp walk are very much liked People are seen praising these videos of Parineeti.