Ahmadi minority is on target of radical Islamists in Pakistan, will report this oppression


Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya minorities are being oppressed. According to the report of one Pakistani institution, so far this year, fundamentalist Islamic Muslims have carried out a deadly attack on 40 worship sites of Ahmadis. The police also did not take any action on the attackers but demolished the worship sites of the Ahmadis.

Ahmadi minority communities in Pakistan are targets of radical Islamists. We are not saying this, but this report of Pakistan is saying this. According to the claim made in the report, during the 10 months so far this year, at least 40 worship sites of the Ahmadi minority community in various parts of Pakistan, either radical Islamists Attacked or the police partially demolished them. An institution representing the Ahmadi community gave this information on Tuesday.

People in the Ahmadi community in Pakistan are commonly called Kadiyani, which is considered a derogatory term for them. In 1974, the Parliament of Pakistan declared the Ahmadi community as non-Muslim. A decade later, he was banned from calling himself a Muslim. There is a ban on visiting Saudi Arabia for his preaching and pilgrimage. Amir Mahmud, an officer of the Punjab Chapter of Jamaat-e-Ahmadia Pakistan, said, “Between January and October this year there were at least 40 incidents of attacks on our worship sites in various parts of Pakistan. 11 of them took place in Sindh and the rest in Punjab province.

Attacks on worship sites in Sindh too

Amir Mahmood said that some Ahmadi worship sites in Sindh were attacked by religious extremists, who were not punished for their crimes and remained police mute spectators. Mahmoud said that in most cases, the radical Islamic party Tehreek-e-Labac Pakistan ( TLP) attacked Ahmadi places of worship, in some events, The police demolished minarets, and arches under pressure from religious extremists and removed sacred articles from prayer rooms. The TLP argues that Ahmadi places of worship are similar to Muslim mosques because they contain minarets. Mahmud said that not a single case has been registered against religious extremists for attacking and harming Ahmadi places of worship.

Acting government guilty of assault

The institution also blamed the caretaker government of Punjab for completely failing to stop the humiliation of Ahmadi places of worship in the province. He said that during its tenure there were about 30 such incidents in the province. Jamaat-e-Ahmadia Pakistan said that the situation is getting worse day by day for the already marginalized community. The TLP stated, “The Ahmadis are facing persecution at the hands of evil forces. Incidents of desecration of places of worship in various areas of Pakistan continue continuously. This is a new trend and the authorities are doing nothing.

“Before, the Pakistan Human Rights Commission (HRCP) said that destroying any part of Ahmadiyya places of worship was an open violation of the recent decision of the Lahore High Court regarding the protection of Ahmadiyya places of worship. Although the number of Ahmadis in Pakistan is about one million, informal figures tell their population much more than this.

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