Udhav and Shinde faction, who will gather at Shivaji Park, face to face about the Dashhra rally? Learn here


More than a year has passed in Shiv Sena. Both the name and symbol of the party have been snatched from the hands of Udhhav Thackeray. Even after this, tension between the Shinde and Thackeray factions is exposed from time to time.

Tensions between Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray army in Maharashtra have not calmed down yet. The two groups do not miss any chance of targeting each other from time to time. Now both groups have also come face to face with the annual Dussehra rally to be held in Shivaji Park, Mumbai. However, CM Eknath Shinde of Maharashtra has taken a big decision and has silenced the controversy.

Why is the Dussehra rally special?

Mumbai’s Shivaji Park Plain is historic. It was here that Balasahab Thackeray founded Shivasena, roaring the lion. For the last 55 years, the Thackeray family has been addressing the Dussehra rally annually at Shivaji Park. Bala Sahab Thackeray from 1966 to 2012 and then from 2013 till now, the Uddhav Thackeray Dashahra rally has been addressed. However, Shiv Sena is now broken and both his party’s name and symbol are lost to Uddhav Thackeray.

Who will rally in Shivaji Park?

This year the Thackeray Army and Shinde Sena petitioned BMC to organize the Dussehra rally in Shivaji Park and both said that he is the real Shiv Sena. If either of the two parties were allowed to rally in Shivaji Park, there could have been a law and order problem. Perhaps this is why BMC has not taken any decision for almost a month even after receiving the petition. On the delay in getting permission for the Dussehra rally, the army had announced that if BMC did not give a verdict in his favour, he would knock on the door of the court. The BMC says that the petition of the Thackeray army will be decided soon.

CM Shinde’s big decision

The Shinde army decided that no unpleasant incident should happen during the largest festival of Hindus. Shinde Sena announced that he was relinquishing his claim to Shivaji Park. CM Eknath Shinde said that he has applied for the cross ground and the Oval ground for the Dashahra rally. Minister Deepak Kesarkar in the state government said that let them do ( Vivek Sena ) where the Dussehra rally has to be done, we are not to fight. He tightened his mind and said that the idea is not left with him if he speaks about Hindutva or Veer Savarkar, then he hesitates to speak on it too.

Wave of joy in Thackeray army

A wave of joy has raced at Thackeray Camp after the Shinde army retreats. Activists have been asked to reach Mumbai to celebrate the Dussehra rally at Shivaji Park. Thackeray army has announced whether BMC is allowed or not, but the Dussehra rally will be at Shivaji Park itself. Ukhav faction MP Sanjay Raut has said that no one can stop Thackeray’s Dussehra rally. He said that there is a lot of effort, again and again, that Thackeray’s Dussehra rally should not happen. We are trying to stop, but the strength of God is with us, blessings are upon us.

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