A case has been filed against 2 people and one person has also been arrested for posting objectionable in favour of Palestine in Hamirpur, UP. Significantly, there is serious tension between Israel and Palestine.
Hamirpur: The conflict between Israel and Palestine continues. Meanwhile, posting objectionable in favour of Palestine in UP’s Hamirpur district has cost 2 people dearly. Police have filed a case against two people and arrested one on charges of posting an offensive on social media in favour of Palestine in the Moudha Kotwali region.
What did the police say?
Police reported Saturday that Suhail Ansari of Atif Chaudhary and Chaudharana Mohle of Hadaria Mohle posted a post in support of Palestine on October 8 last in her social media account. He said that Tahrir, given by Daroga Ravi Mehta, posted in Kotwali, said that Maulana Atif Chaudhary, a Hyderia Mohalla resident of the town, created a private account on an Instagram Gone.
On the night of October 8, this account was posted in support of Palestine. Police said similar messages were publicized and used in the WhatsApp status of a young man named Suhail Ansari on 12 October.
What was said in Tahrir?
Tahrir said that such an attempt was made to spoil the religious, and social harmony of the town. Outrage has also spread among the people on the other side and there has been a possibility of a breach of peace. Saini of Maudha’s Thanhpah S said that the police have started an investigation by filing a case against Atif Chaudhary and Suhail Siddiqui in this case. He said that one of these accused Suhail Ansari has been arrested while the search for the other accused continues.