Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya have come together again. This question is coming to everyone’s mind. Naga Chaitanya has posted a picture, pointing to this. After all, what is there in this picture that people feel that the two have come together once again? Read the full news to know this.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a popular actress from the South, remains in discussion these days about her personal life. The actress was first in discussion about her divorce from her husband Naga Chaitanya and then in discussion about her illness. Now once again the actress has come into the discussion. This time the reason is his love life. People feel that her ex-husband Naga Chaitanya has become a patchup. This was being discussed for several days and now a picture that has surfaced has again pointed this out. People say that the two have come together once again after divorce.
Discussion started like this
Let me tell you how this discussion started. In fact, a few days ago, Samantha re-shared her photos on social media with Naga Chaitanya, whom she had Hide after her divorce. People felt that perhaps things were improving between the two now, but the couple did not confirm it and remained silent. Now another picture has come out, after seeing that the fans of the separated couple have become happy. Actually, this picture has been posted by no one else but Naga Chaitanya himself on Instagram.
This picture pointed
Naga Chaitanya wrote in the caption of the picture, ‘Vibe‘. In this picture a dog is seen sitting next to the driver seat, looking towards the rising sun. Actually, this dog belongs to no one else but Samantha, whose name is Hash. Naga Chaitanya and Samantha welcomed it together in their family. During that time the two were together. Samantha shifted to a different house with her dog after the breakup. She continued to share photos with her stomach, making it clear that the stomach was with Samantha after her husband’s separation. Now it is telling in the picture that the distances between the two have reduced, only then Naga Chaitanya has taken responsibility for stomach hash.
Samantha is in Dubai
Please tell me, that Samantha is currently in Dubai and Naga Chaitanya is taking full responsibility for this dog of the Bulldog Breed. Now both fans are very excited. They feel that things are getting better between the two. By the way, remember that Samantha was upset for a long time due to her illness. She was struggling with an autoimmune disease. In the past, she went abroad and got treatment, after which she said that she was taking a break of about one year from the movies. Samantha is very active on social media even after taking a break and is sharing every update related to her life with fans. The last time actor Vijay Devakonda was seen in the Sand film Khushi.